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Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. (888) 456-2790 (121) 255-53333
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What We Do

QA Consulting

Our quality consultants use our proven methodology to define and build a tailored QA Framework based on the gap analysis findings. The QA framework helps enhance and control quality factors in all software deliverables.

Software Testing Services

We are a one-stop shop for all types of software testing. Our test engineers use manual and automation techniques to ensure 100% coverage of your application’s functional and non-functional requirements.

Standards & Guidelines

Our quality consultants help our clients to achieve their goals and requirements to be certified by international buddies and implement best practices.

Markition Testing Framework

Given our unique experience and specialization in the field of software QA, we have established and continuously improved Quality Assurance Framework for our clients. Our qualified Test Architects use the following methodology to define and build a tailored framework that is fit-for-use.

Phase 1

Analyze & Assess

Phase 2

Plan & Build

Phase 3

Apply & Monitor

Phase 4

Measure & Improve

Our Variety of Software Testing Services

Empower your software, mobile app, and web app with our professional Manual Testing services. Our meticulous testing protocol guarantees seamless functionality, intuitive user experience, and robust cross-platform compatibility, elevating your online presence
We integrate our performance testing services at any stage of the SDLC to ensure your system’s flawless operation. Our QA team gets involved in all of the SDLC stages to help your software engineers focus on writing perfect code and creating a product with flawless performance.
To meet the user expectations our testing experts proceed with this non-functional testing technique. Our top usability testing covers web and mobile applications where we evaluate the targeted user’s perspective and then compare it with the real functioning to find out the gap.
One of the functional testing techniques in which we validate the application’s internal/external components and how those components interface with one another leads to better quality results. Our test engineers ensure efficient integration services to clients on projects of various sizes and complexity.
Streamline your QA testing process with Markition’s comprehensive one-stop solution. From test planning to execution and reporting, we’ve got you covered, ensuring your product meets top-notch quality standards with efficiency and precision.
Optimize your Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Markition’s expertise in test automation. By implementing robust automated testing frameworks, we accelerate your release cycles, improve software quality, and reduce costs, ensuring a seamless and efficient development process from start to finish.
Incorporate Markition’s user acceptance testing (UAT) seamlessly into your (SDLC). Our rigorous UAT process integrates with your development stages, providing valuable feedback early and ensuring that your final product effectively meets user needs and expectations.
Enhance your mobile app’s performance and user experience with Markition’s comprehensive mobile testing solutions. From functionality and compatibility to performance and security, our meticulous testing approach ensures your app meets the highest standards across various devices and platforms, delivering seamless experiences to your users.
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