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Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. (888) 456-2790 (121) 255-53333
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Retail Management Module

– Retail Management with Financial Module Integration
– Point of Sale
– Sales Order Quotation & Management
– Price Level Setup for each Customer
– Delivery notes
– Online Fulfillment Management
– Online Orders

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Real Estate Rent Management Module

– Property Management
– Tenant management
– Contract Management
– Dues Management
– Real Estate Complete Dashboard
– Online Payment Integration
– Saudi EJAR Integration

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Asset Maintenance Module

– Maintenance Request Approval
– Maintenance Estimation Cost
– Maintenance Estimation Approval
– Maintenance Evaluation

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Project & Event Management Module

– Project Estimation and Quotation
– Sub Contracts
– Project Phase Management
– Assignee Management
– Project Transaction Details

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Supply Chain Module

– Purchasing
– Inventory Management
– Warehouse Management
– Raw Material – Finished product Record
– Raw Material Recipe Real Time Cost
– Expiry Management

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Human Resource Module

– Attendance Management System
– Recruitment Module
– Payroll and Timesheet
– Incident and Complain
– Performance Evaluation
– Vacation Management

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 Financial Management Module

– Account Payable
– Account Receivable
– Ledger
– Profit & Loss Analysis
– Fixed Asset Module
– Petty Cash Module

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